What is Personal Branding?

Personal branding photography provides you with the engaging content to convert your audience to customers. It takes a variety of engaging content to be successful — from the big picture to the little details. Visual content (photos) tell your brand story and hook your audience giving your written message the opportunity to guide them toward becoming a customer.

Don't I just need a Headshot?

I’ll bet your business goals include making money. I’ll also wager that your marketing goals include converting your audience into customers. The demands on business owners today include distributing engaging content via websites, blogs, enewsletters and social media. A headshot alone won’t cut it. A traditional headshot won’t communicate your message. An outdated headshot…well that might just make your brand irrelevant.

Do you travel for Personal Branding?

Absolutely! If you want to have photos of you in your work environment then I'll come to you for the shoot. Travel fees will be included in your quote.

Do I really need to have professional Hair and Makeup??

Yes! Is the short answer. Having a professional stylist on the day of your shoot will make you look and feel great during your shoot. You'll also be able to change your hair style for more variety in your photos which is a win!

How long until I see my photos?

I like to show my clients their photos on the same day of their shoot because they are short on time. After your shoot, you could head into Radlett village and grab a bite to eat then come back and view your photos.

Do you only shoot Personal Branding?

Personal Branding and Headshots is what I love to do most but I also have many clients who get in touch for Family shoots. Head to the navigation bar under Info and you'll see Other Shoots.

Who is Personal Branding for?

Personal branding photos are perfect for creatives, entrepreneurs and independent brand builders. Really it is for any business leader with a vision to grow and thrive. Especially those that are ready for an organized and meaningful presence on the web and social media.

What if I don't know how to describe my Personal Brand??

Don’t worry. It sounds more complex than it really is. You probably have an ideal costumer in mind. You probably know what you want to communicate to that ideal customer. We’ll start there and build on that to identify how to capture your personal brand in photos.

What type of payment options do you offer??

I currently only offer bank transfer payments which can be made online when you receive a quote or invoice.

When should I invest in photos? I don't have a website or a logo just yet.

If you don't have a website or logo just yet, that's ok! Those will come very soon so you need to be ready. You could always use your new photos on social media until your website is ready.

How long does each session last?

That depends on the type of shoot you want. But I'd say between an hour to two hours tops. Unless you're coming in for the Headshot mini marathon in which case it should take just under an hour.