When did you last have a Family Portrait taken?

Don't wait for a special occasion...

Why wait to celebrate your family as they are now? We're all busy. I get it. But these precious moments are fleeting and the kids grow up so quickly (too quick, actually!) I understand that it's difficult to nail down a date where everyone is available, but the longer you wait, the more you miss out on capturing your family as they are now; today. Get them in for a shoot before they head out to university so that you'll have those memories to look at on your wall when they are away from home.

Some Family photos to inspire you....


Not sure if you want indoor studio shots or outdoor location ones? No problem! We can do BOTH. I'm lucky enough to have my studio on a beautiful farm with stunning views of fields that go on for acres. You may even see a horse or two! We can start off with studio portraits then head outside for some natural family bonding shots.

Let's get you booked in...just fill out the form below